“Love is more than natural tenderness, but a principle of the soul founded in reason and spiritual understanding.”  William Law

But what does that mean in day-to-day terms?

For me, being loving is how I choose to walk through the world, because it makes sense at every level of my existence.

Love Is a Rational Choice

They say you receive what you give out. So, to my way of thinking, the more loving, expansive and compassionate I am in my day-to-day dealings with others – family, friends and strangers – the more I’m likely to receive in equal kind and measure.

Besides which, it makes life easier all around. At least I’m not projecting more misery and hardship into the world – my world or anyone else’s.

Of course, there is that “feel good” factor for sure when I apply the Love Principle and I enjoy that. But mostly it is a rational choice on my part, because I know it works.

Love as My Organizing Principle

And so I’ve adopted Love as my central organizing principle.

Naturally, I don’t always succeed as well as I would like. Some days I fail absolutely. But it is my intention and my goal to be more loving by my presence and in my interactions with others. It is my North Star, the Gold Standard that I am aiming for.

And most importantly, the Love Principle guides me even when my efforts fall short of it.

When that happens, I have the opportunity to apply the Principle to myself – to love myself even in my own imperfection or even because of it.

Often that’s the hardest thing to do of all, but I’m getting better at it day by day.

“I’m learning to love myself despite my failings. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done.” Anonymous